Please take the time to fill out our new client form in readiness for your appointment.
This form opens in a new window and allows us to be prepared prior to attending your first appointment, thus streamlining the process.

Did you know that as your accountant, to view all your ATO Business Information, we must be nominated as your Agent?
To complete this process, please follow the steps as outlined by the ATO.
You will need our Agent Number when completing the process. Garnet Business Services Agent Number: 71599015 Funpark Enterprises Pty Ltd

Make sure you don’t forget anything this Tax Time with our comprehensive Tax Return Appointment Checklist.
Available for download so you can save, print and check off ready for your appointment.

Receipt Bank has rebranded to Dext however the process to submit items has not.
Please refer Recepit Bank procedure when submitting items into Dext.

Utilise these Checklists specific to your occupation to make sure you don’t miss out on claiming anything this Tax Time.
Simply click the link to download.

Create your own business structure online.
Fill out the details in this comprehensive document and we will be in touch to submit and invoice the work we will be doing for you.
Submissions might include but are not limited to: Company Registration, Registered Company Documents, Change to Constitution, Change to Sole Director Company, Unit trust fixed & non-fixed, Hybrid Trust, Discretionary (Family) Trust, SMSF borrowing.