Please follow these steps to set up the use of online services, nominating Garnet Business Services as your agent.

Please note: this is only relevant for an entity that is not an individual or sole trader. Eg. Not for profit, Trust, Company, Partnership 

Garnet Business Services Agent Number:

71599015 Funpark Enterprises Pty Ltd

How to nominate an agent Online services for business. ATO instructions.
How to nominate an agent Online services for business. ATO instructions.

 Garnet Business Services Agent Number: 71599015 Funpark Enterprises Pty Ltd

Did you know that as your accountant, to view all your ATO Business Information, we must be nominated as your Agent?

To complete this process, please follow the steps as outlined by the ATO here: 

You will need our Agent Number when completing the process.

Garnet Business Services Agent Number:

71599015 Funpark Enterprises Pty Ltd

Please keep in mind that to do this nomination, you will need your Digital MYGOVID details; this links your ABN to personal information.

Should you require any assistance updating this, we can help. Simply reach out.

Having trouble? Give us a call. (08) 9295 0599

We can then lock in a time to go through this in person with you to complete the Client to Agent Linking Steps.