Get ready for tax time 2024

Get ready for tax time 2024

As the ATO gears up for tax time 2024, it has flagged three primary areas where taxpayers frequently make mistakes.  It has emphasised the importance of getting tax returns right the first time to avoid unnecessary complications from having to amend tax returns and...
Circumstances for lodgement deferral

Circumstances for lodgement deferral

Tax time 2023 has now officially ended, taxpayers needing additional time to lodge should request a lodgement deferral from the ATO without delay.  The last day for lodgement was 31 October 2023, so taxpayers that have yet to lodge should do so as soon as possible to...
Tax Time 2023: lodgement period underway

Tax Time 2023: lodgement period underway

Taxpayers with uncomplicated financial affairs have been given the green light to lodge their tax returns by the ATO. Will you get a refund this year? With only a little more than a month into tax time, the ATO has given the green light for taxpayers with...
More ATO data-matching this tax time

More ATO data-matching this tax time

This tax time, the ATO is ramping up its data-matching program and capabilities with two new programs. Taxpayers beware, this tax time, the ATO will be using all its data matching capabilities in multiple areas to ensure that individuals are paying the correct amount...