Are you receiving PSI?

Are you receiving PSI?

Do you earn PSI? While most people may think that it only applies to builders or tradies, the truth is that may also apply to any instance where individuals use their personal effort or skills. Personal Services Income (PSI) generally only applies to individuals that...
Home charging rate for EVs released

Home charging rate for EVs released

The ATO has released a draft compliance guideline with the accepted rate for calculating the cost of electricity when an eligible EV is charged at an employee’s or an individual’s home. The draft compliance guideline contains the methodology for calculating the cost...
Work from home expenses: new rate

Work from home expenses: new rate

A new revised fixed rate of 67c per hour for calculating working from home expenses will apply from 1 July 2022 onwards. Find out how it affects you here. From the 2022-23 income year, taxpayers can no longer rely on the 80c per hour shortcut method with the...