ATO targets: tax time 2023

ATO targets: tax time 2023

This tax time, the ATO will be targeting loan interest expenses, working from home deductions, and CGT on main residences also used for income-producing purposes. With the end of the financial year fast approaching, the ATO has again released the areas it will be...
Upcoming FBT related changes

Upcoming FBT related changes

ATO is looking to finalise a number of FBT related issues currently under consultation relating to car parking and electric cars. With 2023 in full swing, the ATO is looking to finalise a number of FBT related issues currently under consultation. For businesses, the...
Work from home expenses: new rate

Work from home expenses: new rate

A new revised fixed rate of 67c per hour for calculating working from home expenses will apply from 1 July 2022 onwards. Find out how it affects you here. From the 2022-23 income year, taxpayers can no longer rely on the 80c per hour shortcut method with the...
Rental properties – borrowing expenses

Rental properties – borrowing expenses

If you earn income from an investment property, you may be entitled to a deduction for expenses directly incurred in taking out a loan for the property. Have you considered what this means for you and your investment property? Let’s start at the beginning and...